05 Jul 2023
Bloch-McConnell simulation challenge
The Bloch-McConnell simulation (BMsim) challenge compared and improved simulations codes of many international groups.
It validates the intrinsic Pulseq-CEST simulations and everybody can now validate their CEST simulation!
More infos here: https://github.com/pulseq-cest/BMsim_challenge

11 May 2023
We’re delighted to invite you to our Pulseq-CEST Webinar focused on the Pulseq-CEST tool and its role in simplifying prototyping, simulation, and reproducibility in CEST MRI research.
Pulseq-CEST Webinar
This took place on Thursday, July 6, 2023
Here is the recording on Youtube:

In this webinar, you’ll discover:
- How the Pulseq-CEST tool streamlines CEST MRI research in silico, in vitro and in vivo
- Live demonstrations of the tool using MATLAB and Python https://pulseq-cest.github.io/
- The existing library of preparation modules and simulation files https://github.com/kherz/pulseq-cest-library
- Ways to contribute and collaborate within the Pulseq-CEST community.
For any questions, feel free to contact us.
Here more links:
- https://pulseq-cest.github.io/
- https://github.com/kherz/pulseq-cest
- https://github.com/schuenke/BMCTool
with colabs
- https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1lFAxOR_I_J4x5pn_preEUPG9ZfNiPIVw#scrollTo=utnYU7mvEYxj
- https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1LOxexCtYDihmIQtrBkZq_Qj19HR1ij5P#scrollTo=bKx81ocDoyzj
- https://github.com/KerstinHut/pypulseq-cest
- https://github.com/kherz/pulseq-cest-library
- https://github.com/pulseq-cest/BMsim_challenge
- https://gitlab.com/SebMue/pulseq_cest_hybrid_bruker
23 Dec 2021
The recording of the Pulseq-CEST talk from the MRI Together workshop is now available on YouTube:

06 Dec 2021
There is a new Pulseq-CEST MATLAB version available, with additional functionality and speed improvements.
21 Oct 2021
The Pulseq-CEST project will be covered in an educational talk at the MRI together workshop.
07 May 2021
The Pulseq-CEST Paper is now published in MRM, you can find it here.
The code used in this publication can be found on GitHub with the mrm-paper tag.
04 May 2021
The Pulseq-CEST project will be presented at ISMRM 21 during the CEST Digital Poster session.
- When: 17th May 17:00 - 18:00 UTC
- Abstract Number: 1465
- Abstract link
13 Jan 2021
Welcome to the new Pulseq-CEST project page!
We will inform you about updates here, while all the project description and instructions can be found on GitHub.
If you want to contribute to the project or have any questions, please feel free to contact us!